
Richard Burton 17th September 2017

A few days before Jon passed away we were able to have a small party to mark Jon's retirement from EDF Energy, for whom he had worked for 32 years. Ten colleagues Jon had worked particularly closely with were able to attend. The intention had been for the event to be held in one of Jon's favourite local restaurants. However because of his quickly declining health Jon asked if we could hold it in his house. Jon, Tracey, Laura and Chris gave us a very warm welcome into their home with their characteristic generosity. We were able to share some positive moments together and presented Jon with a collection of gifts bought with contributions from his former colleagues. This donation is the amount of money remaining after the purchase of the gifts and which we had mentioned to Jon would be presented to St Catherine's. It comes with our grateful thanks for having taken care of Jon when he was in need of greater medical support than is possible at home. Jon's time in St Catherine's turned out to be all too brief, however we can be grateful for the limit to Jon's period of pain and discomfort. We hope and trust Jon will rest in peace.

£120.00 (+ £30.00 Gift Aid)